Laetitia Ohayon
About Me
My name is Laetitia Ohayon, a former NYC high school student, currently attending Barnard College to study the Medical Humanities. I like to spend my time exercising the creative neurons in my brain. That looks like painting, reading, building websites, learning from strangers and listening in on their lives.

After months of interviewing, writing, and curating this website, I have created a reliable and helpful resource for young students who want to know more about what's out there.

I hope my work here helps to make industry positions more transparent and less-intimidating to all, and most importantly, I hope it empowers students to do further research on a career more fine-tuned to their liking after discovering an interesting field or position on my site.

Watch and read interviews from real professionals to gain insight

into jobs that you might want in

the future.

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