Project Career
The jobs they don't tell you about in school.
Help! How do I turn my passions into a meaningful career?
Project Career's goal is to inform students on the wide varieties of career options in today's economy to which schools and the media do not typically expose us, facilitating empowerment and awareness within education.
Discover Careers
Watch and read interviews from real professionals to gain insight into jobs that you might want in the future.
Creator Laetitia Ohayon
The Story & Goal
Welcome to Project Career!
I found the inspiration to start this website through my fellow peers, granting me the ability to truly pin-point what kind of information students are missing on the work force.
The Inspiration
One day, during my lunch period at school, a few friends of mine expressed how helpless they felt about deciding which possible careers to pursue, as college application season was just around the corner. They wanted to channel their focus into a specific professional and educational direction, but were unsure which path to pursue as they knew very few fields and professions.
Do you guys know what you're going to study in college?
No idea. I think I'm good at drawing but I'm not even sure what I can do with that. Don't art careers not even make much money?
I bet there are some careers in art that could work for you.
I do too, but I'm not even sure what's out there.
The Decision
Wielding my creativity and passion to help others, I decided I was going to address this common concern.
I noticed that high school had not properly exposed my friends and I to a vast majority of potential career fields that we could enter or study for in college.
The Problem
This is because American high school schools and the media introduce and minimally prepare us for traditional fields, like STEM, business, law, and journalism. Most students are entirely unaware of the many jobs behind one well-known profession or do not fully understand what they entail, even if one of those careers could be the perfect match for them to pursue in the future.
The Project
I am motivated by this widespread lack of knowledge and access to opportunity and want to empower students to discover the many different types of employment. Thus, I have interviewed a diverse group of individuals to report on their career trajectories, how to get internships, insider information on certain industries, the value of education, and how to pick the right job for your personality.
The Goal
I hope my work here helps to make industry positions more transparent and less-intimidating to all, and most importantly, I hope it empowers students to do further research on a career more fine-tuned to their liking after discovering an interesting field or position on my site!
For feedback, questions, or further information:
Laetitia Ohayon

New York City
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